Tuesday, July 13, 2021

TMST: Favourite Types of Posts

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the lovely Rainy Day Ramblings, and currently assisted by a team of bloggers, Roberta @ Offbeat YA, Karen @ For What It's Worth, Berls @ Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, Jen @ That's What I'm Talking About, and Linda @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell.

This week's topic is: What are your favourite posts to read?

My favourite types of posts to read would have to be lists! I have always been pretty obsessed with making lists myself, and I really love to read other peoples' ones too. Your favourite books? Movies? Quotes? In order or not, it doesn't matter to me. 

I do tend to prefer lists that don't have super long explanations following each item, but I like both posts that have a little blurb with each item as well as ones with no explanation at all. These types of posts are fun to flip through and relate too, but also don't take a lot of effort on my part on those days where I'm tired. I find them not always easy to comment on though, other than "those are on my list too!" or "I've always been interested in that one".


What are you favourite posts to read? To do like to read other people's lists, and if so, do you prefer explanations of why that item is on the list?


  1. I definitely agree with lists. Lists are easy to read posts and usually very light-hearted. I also do love reading discussion posts though, especially on hard-hitting topics. I like to rant in the comment section lol.

    1. Haha I am often tempted to reply to those types of posts with rants, but I either get tired or worry I am going to get into a war!

  2. I should have added lists or at least quick, fun posts. I'm not a fan of making lists *GASP* but I do love a quick read post that's catchy and lists qualify.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. It's funny going through my old notes as a child...the list obsession has been a lifelong one.

  3. "I find them not always easy to comment on though, other than "those are on my list too!" or "I've always been interested in that one"."
    LOL, exactly!

    I like different things on different blogs, depending on what the blogger does best or "I" like best. I rarely read reviews of books in genres that I don't enjoy, but if someone is really talented when it comes to writing reviews, I will! Maybe not always comment though (see above).

    1. I completely agree! Well, for example, I enjoy reading your posts, even if I likely won't read the book. And because I don't have too much to contribute on the style, I don't always comment...but I love reading them anyway, haha.
