Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blog-Along: Wolf Hall, Episode 4 - The Devil's Spit

I took a bit of a break last week from Wolf Hall, so my apologies if you missed my weekly babblings! We are now on Episode 4, so sit back, relax, and enjoy (or watch along, if you'd like of course). If you haven't read my thoughts about the previous episodes, Episode 1 can be seen here: Wolf Hall, Episode 1. Once again, I will be editing everything to avoid large spoilers, and to make things a bit more concise, but it will mostly be my thoughts as I have them.

Wolf Hall, Episode 4 - The Devil's Spit


           Play by Play

  • Anne looks so in love with the baby, it's wonderful...and then she shows her loveliness in full. Let's destroy the lives of other children so that mine can flourish. 
  • Well played Anne, you know all about Cromwell's connections

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Favourite Five - Jane Austen Characters

I've decided from time to time it would be fun to take a look at five of my favourites from various categories. So, what better way to start this new series than by looking at some of my favourite characters from Jane Austen novels? In no particular order, here are five of the characters I absolutely adore:

1. Fanny Price

Although not always a popular choice, even among Janeites, I love Mansfield Park's Fanny Price. I may be a bit biased here, as Mansfield Park was my first Austen read, but I love her nonetheless. I admire her morality, her kindness, and her self-sacrifice. No matter what happens, or how people treat her, Fanny sticks to what she believes in - a truly commendable trait. It's a shame that there hasn't been a film version yet to do her justice.


2. Anne Elliot

Oh, Anne, how I adore thee. Anne is probably the Austen heroine I most relate to. She truly is the black sheep of her family, and although feels very deeply, she rarely shares her feelings with anyone. Her feelings and struggles were ones I instantly connected with. She has a quiet brilliance and confidence that is rarely appreciated. I really like how Anne is portrayed in both the 1995 and 2007 versions.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blog-Along: Wolf Hall, Episode 3 - Anna Regina

Continuing my blog-along of Wolf Hall, we are now on Episode 3. If you haven't read my thoughts about Episodes 1 and 2, check them out here: Wolf Hall, Episode 1 and here: Wolf Hall, Episode 2 Once again, I will be editing everything to avoid spoilers, and to make things a bit more concise, but it will mostly be my thoughts as I have them.

Wolf Hall, Episode 3 - Anna Regina


           Play by Play

  • Oh good, starting off with torture is always fun
  • Oh, is THAT the situation now Cromwell? Wow. Sharing your bed and everything.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Blog-Along: Wolf Hall, Episode 2 - Entirely Beloved

Since I had so much fun with my blog-along or Episode 1 of Wolf Hall, I thought I'd continue on with Episode 2. If you haven't read my thoughts about Episode 1 - Three Card Trick, check it out here: Wolf Hall, Episode 1. Once again, I will be editing everything to avoid spoilers and to make things a bit more concise, but it will mostly be my thoughts as I have them.

Wolf Hall, Episode 2 - Entirely Beloved


           Play by Play

  • Gregory, can't say I'm your biggest fan right now. You seem a bit wimpy and unintelligent at the moment, but I guess we'll see.
  • Is the housekeeper his sister-in-law? Or were they in the same household? Seems like sister-in-law. Uh...did she just essentially say she's a lesbian? We at least know she isn't into her husband. Well, that was an awkward conversation