Tuesday, May 18, 2021

TMST: Introvert or Extrovert

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the lovely Rainy Day Ramblings, and currently assisted by a team of bloggers, Roberta @ Offbeat YA, Karen @ For What It's Worth, Berls @ Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, Jen @ That's What I'm Talking About, and Linda @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell.

This week's topic is: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Although a lot of people I know in a casual way are surprised to hear it, I'm actually highly introverted. I need a lot of time every day to just shut off from everyone else. For me, I often spend this time walking or playing a repetitive game (something like Bejeweled, which I don't have to think about too much). This helps me relax and process my day.

Usually on my lunch at work I tend to keep to myself, but if we start talking...I keep going and going, like an Energizer Bunny! Basically, once I am in "social mode" I will absolutely talk your ear off, but once I stop, I stop dead. If I don't get my time to eventually crash though, I am a nightmare to be around - and boy do I know it!

What about you? Are you introverted or extroverted? Do you find that you recharge quickly?


  1. I really have to prep for social interaction. I can be all in for a short period of time but then that's it. I need weeks to recover lol

    BTW - I'm glad you've been joining in with TMST!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I really understand that! I was much more like that before I started working heavily in customer service. Now I don't need as long to recover thankfully.
      I'm glad to be back with it :)

  2. I am very much introverted, with a sprinkling of extroverted when I am with people I know very well. I love to joke around and my voice can get very loud when I am passionate, but this never happens with new people.

    1. A lot of people either think I'm shy and quiet and a lot of people think I'm super loud and crazy...it really does depend on the environment, doesn't it?

  3. First off - I didn't know the right word was "extravert". My autocorrect doesn't like it LOL - but then again, it doesn't like many things (included the word "autocorrect" 😂).

    "Basically, once I am in "social mode" I will absolutely talk your ear off, but once I stop, I stop dead."
    That's a pair of extremes if I ever saw one!

    1. I've changed it because it looks weird to me now, haha. But yeah, as far as I know it came from the prefixes "intro" for "inside" and "extra" for "outside"...but it seems like once again I like to use archaic spellings and apparently people don't use that one anymore :P
      (P.S. I also like "Hallowe'en" and "encyclopaedia")

    2. Oh yes, and I really am a person of extremes!

  4. I'm the same way- I dfinitely need down time to recover after social gatherings!

    1. ...and sometimes during them too? ;) (I know I sure do!)
