Tuesday, May 4, 2021

TMST: Blogging Challenges

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the lovely Rainy Day Ramblings, and currently assisted by a team of bloggers, Roberta @ Offbeat YA, Karen @ For What It's Worth, Berls @ Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, Jen @ That's What I'm Talking About, and Linda @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell.

Blogging for the past year or so has been very difficult for me, and I'm working my way slowly back to it. But there have been other moments where I've wondered about the best way to continue. My biggest challenges have been:

Finding my reviewing style difficult to manage

Reading/watching things with no intent to review

So, what have I done to try and circumvent these?

I'm working on changing my reviewing style. I find it hard to accomplish, and it's kind of dry, and not very fun. Sure, it's trying to avoid too much bias...but, if you didn't want my opinion, why are you reading the blog, right? I can still provide some unbiased content, but it's much easier to just be myself and less structured!

I think that reviewing things in smaller chunks, and with the change to my reviewing style, this will sort itself out. But yes, I think about how I have to pay attention to something because it is something I will need to review later, and then lose interest in watching it. But, if I have a shorter, and less structured review, I think this will solve that. We'll see!

I have a lot to work on, and it's a bit of an uphill battle, but I think it will all be for the better in the long run.


  1. Good luck with the changes you're planning on making! Honestly a lot about blogging is just trial and error, seeing what feels like it fits. I think for me the biggest blogging challenge I have right now is that I am so behind on reviews. Books I want to review were read eight months ago and now I can barely remember what I liked about them haha! Anyways, I'm sure you will find your groove :)

    1. I have a few of those too...and a LOT of movies! I'm trying to decide if I want to even review them by this point, or if maybe I rewatch them (even in the background) to remember them better to review. I hope it goes well for you too!

  2. Reading/watching with the intent to review is good in small doses. I make sure that sometimes I read a (bought) book just for pleasure, and I only write a short Goodreads review for the time being (which I'll recycle on my blog later). After a while, I revisit the book with the intent of writing a "proper" (so to speak - short reviews are valid!) review. It's a whole different approach to reading for me, knowing that I have to review the book when I'm finished with it.

    I understand your struggle - structured vs. biased reviews. But you know? those two aspects can live together in harmony! And of course reviews are inherently biased, whatever we do. Good luck with finding your voice!

    1. Thank you!
      I'm glad you've got methods that work for you. I just know that I was really stuck on doing things a certain way, and I'm trying to realize that I don't have to keep things the same if it just isn't working.

  3. This past year I have lost most of my motivation for reading or blogging.

    I'm the same with style. I really want something that's more spontaneous and less - formatting lol But then time goes by and it feels daunting to cover everything I've missed.

    I'm working on it and I've been feeling more of a desire to read and blog or even talk about other things.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  4. I lost most of my motivation for it the past year and a half, but I'm thankfully starting to get it back. I wasn't sure that it was going to happen, but I knew I WANTED it to happen, so I think that helped (and that I didn't pressure myself too much). I'm sorry you're struggling with the same thing though, it's a difficult place to be in. I am glad to hear you're starting to feel glimmers of it again though.

    Yes! I really just want to be able to talk about books and movies and not have it feel like a homework assignment. Hopefully we can both find our balance there!
