Thursday, July 6, 2023

July 2023 Update

I know, it's been a while.
Far too long, actually.

In some ways my life looks very much like it did before, but in so many other ways it has changed so drastically that I hardly recognize it. Things are really good, but they are busy, and I am trying to adjust to it all and to find out how to slot things in again. I promised to come back to blogging, and I truly want to...but where to start? I feel like I've said that a hundred times.

I'm not really reading a lot right now, nor am I watching a lot of movies or television - so what do I write about?

I think the only way to move forward is to casually mention some of the books/movies/tv shows that I have consumed over the past months, but then to focus a little more on Library Life posts. Eventually it will all come naturally again. I just have to be patient.

So, I'm here. I'm here, and happy and working towards being healthier, and I miss you my dear blogging community!

Just bear with me a little.


  1. It's been a whole year!!! But at least you've had a few good things going in the meantime, it seems. I hope you'll find your way back to blogging eventually. Library Life posts are welcome! 😉

  2. I know! I can't believe the time got away from me this much!

  3. Welcome back! I'm glad to see you checking in even if life is crazy :)

  4. Welcome back! Nice to see you still around. Blogging is funny, it comes and goes. :)

  5. Welcome back! I think we've all been through stuff like this. I know after losing my first angel baby I didn't want to do anything I wanted to do before. And then I lost my second angel and it got worse. And then we adopted our rainbow baby and I just didn't have time.
    You'll get back to it! For now just know we're here for you.

    My June Recap and July TBR
    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Bookstagram | Personal Insta | TikTok | Goodreads

  6. Welcome back! It’s nice to hear from you again.
