Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2018

Top Ten Tuesday has now officially moved to That Artsy Reader Girl, and so of course I wanted to be there for the first week. It's also nice to be able to make some goals for the year, so here are a few things I want to focus on in the coming months:

  1. Define My Blog.
    Now, I don't mean this in a way of "I only review these kinds of books" or anything like that, but I want to make sure that I keep some sort of focus to my work. Currently I like to focus on spoiler-free reviews and lists of books and movies for teens and adults. I want to make sure that this is what I stick to. I don't think there is anything wrong with occasionally adding in items of other genres, but I think it is important that people know what they are in for when they are reading my blog.
  2. Work On Blog Pages.
    I want to focus on writing my blog bio, and making sure that I have important pages that are relevant to what people will commonly search for. I want to improve the look of my blog a little bit at a time to make it all a little cleaner.

  3. Meet My Goodreads Reading Goal.
    My Reading Goal for this year is 35 books, which is slightly larger than I decided on for the previous year. In my case, this goal becomes a bit flexible near the end of the year because I read a lot of children's fiction for my job. I don't review these on here, but please feel free to check me out on Goodreads if you are interested on my opinions on these.
  4. Complete Older Books On My TBR.
    I have a lot of books, and even more that I have been intending to read for a long time now. I recently posted about the TBR  challenge I am doing, and I am excited to be able to get through some of these books finally.
  5. Read It, Donate It.
    If I don't love it, get rid of it. Working on some of those items on my TBR (many of which I purchased for a dollar or two at charity booksales, secondhand stores, etc.), I really want to be able to clear out items I am not in love with. If it's great I have no issue with keeping it. Otherwise, once I review it, it is getting donated.
  6. Old Or New, Doesn't Matter.
    I don't think there is any harm in having one more spoiler-free review out there. So, whether it is a new and popular book, or one published several years ago, I plan to review them anyway. There is often this pressure to read and review the book that just came out (and I will definitely do that if I am interested in it), but I think it's really important that we remember some of the great books from before. Perhaps my review will remind someone of that book, or get them to read it when they had never heard of it before.
  7. Actually Work On Draft Posts.
    I have roughly 20 posts in my blog drafts that need to be completed. I don't mind having a few, but this is a bit ridiculous. I really need to either get these done, or delete them.
  8. Branch Out With Genres.
    I used to read a wider range of genres than I do now, and I want to experiment a little bit. There are definitely things that I want to read in numerous genres, but I would like to make sure to actually do this a bit more.
  9. Networking.
    Ah, probably my least favourite thing about blogging. I love reading other people's posts, and I do actually like commenting on them as well. What I don't like however, is promoting my blog. It just feels really awkward to be like "Cool post. Here's mine:..." because it feels like I didn't even care to read yours, I just want blog hits. Not true, but unfortunately how it looks. So, I want to focus on reading other people's work and leaving good comments that will also hopefully draw them to read my work in turn.
  10. Short Posts Are Better Than None.
    Sometimes I just don't feel into reviewing something that I have read/watched, and it sits in my drafts or in the back of my head. Instead, I want to remember that it's okay to do a brief post about it rather than worry about it needing to be a really detailed entry.
Those are my goals for this year. What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. I donate just about all the books I review to one of my local schools or libraries. The problem is that way more books come in than go out!

    Happy TTT!
