Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Characters I Hated in Books I Loved

Happy April! Another week, another Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl. I'm reversing the topic for this week, so instead of "Characters I liked That Were In Non-Favorite/Disliked Books," I've gone with characters I highly disliked in books I really liked. Even in an otherwise perfect book, there can often be a character that you just can't stand, so here are some of the ones who I really didn't like in great books:

  1. Dolores Umbridge - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    I know, I know...she's going to be on an insane amount of lists this week (if other people flip the topic), but I couldn't not include her.
  2. The Mechanicals - A Midsummer Night's Dream
    This is a bit of a cheat because there are not only several characters here, but this is also a play. In truth they all bother me so I couldn't pick just one. They are definitely my least favourite part of this beloved play.
  3. Mrs. Norris - Mansfield Park
    No, not Mrs. Norris from Harry Potter! This Mrs. Norris is 100% human, 0% feline.
  4. Amy March - Little Women
    I have never been able to stand Amy. I know that she "improves" by the end, and we are supposed to feel better about her...but I've never been particularly good at doing what I was supposed to.
  5. Merlin - I Am Mordred
    Merlin is a terrifying and nasty sorcerer in this novel, and you don't really get why unless you have more familiarity with other Arthurian tales (more than just Mordred's fate), so he just seems to be nasty to Mordred for no good reason.
  6. Comte St. Germain - Dragonfly in Amber
    Several possible characters to pick from this book, honestly, but I think St. Germain has to take the gâteau on this one.
  7. Jack Favell - Rebecca
    What a little snot.
  8. John and Joan Durbeyfield - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
    Yes, I shockingly chose them over Alec, but I personally believe that Tess's downfall not only started with her parents, but increased the more that they guilted her and meddled.
  9. Chaol Westfall - Queen of Shadows
    Oh my dear sweet Chaol, what happened to you? I loved you in the first books of the series, and then it seems like you had a lobotomy and became an entirely different person. Can't deal with you now. Shoo!
  10. Manon Blackbeak - Queen of Shadows
    I'll just take a step back before you all start throwing tomatoes at me. I've never really liked Manon, although I have warmed up to her a bit...but honestly, she was just awful when introduced, and reading her parts of the book were an absolute slog for me.
What characters did you also not like? Are there any you'd like to defend? Share your comments below!


  1. I am with you on Umbridge!! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much!!

  2. I've not read the book, but Mrs. Norris is SO annoying in any and all of the Mansfield Park film or TV adaptations.

    Happy Top Ten Tuesday. :)

    1. Mansfield Park was actually my first Austen read (although I grew up with Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice on film), but I just have never found a movie version that quite did it justice. If you get a chance to read it someday, I definitely would.

  3. Totally with you on Umbridge and Amy! Both infuriating characters.

    1. I recently read something that said Beth was the most irritating character in Little Women, and I lost it! Haha. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I love how you reversed the topic! I was pretty daunted by it when it came through on my TTT submission form, but I thought I should make the person happy who submitted it through my TTT topic suggestion form, and went ahead and put it on the schedule. But it was SO HARD for me to come up with a list because the characters are what make or break a book for me! lol. I don't usually dislike a book if I liked the characters.

    - Jana (That Artsy Reader Girl)

    1. Thanks Jana! It's a great question, but definitely a really tough one. It's worth including them for sure though, since it stretches us all!

  5. Umbridge....why didn't I think of her? Agh she is terrible. The only others I've read are Queen of Shadows and I do like Chaol and Manon though Manon did take some getting used to and I have grown to like her more and more as time went on and she was more like as she bonded with Abraxos because he kind of softens her a little for me.

    1. I completely get that. For me it was more that I felt that Chaol's personality altered so drastically in the later books that I felt he was a completely different character. I haven't read Tower of Dawn yet, so perhaps he'll redeem himself in my eyes. And Manon improved for me for sure in Empire of Storms.

  6. I agree with Chaol. While he wasn't my favourite in the early books he became just tough to bare in the later ones.

    My TTT https://wp.me/p3ftwe-UX

    1. Thank you! I haven't read Tower of Dawn yet, so hopefully he gets better in that one, or at least the final book of the series.

  7. I haven't read any of these books but a few are definitely on my TBR :) Nice list!
    My TTT: http://flippingthruthepages.com/2018/04/ten-characters-i-didnt-like-that-much-in-the-books-i-loved/

  8. Great take on this week's topic! I never really liked Amy March either. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks! She's an important character and all, but there are just so many irritating things about her.

  9. Agreed with both Umbridge and Amy. I haven't read the rest.

    Here's our TTT

  10. So with you on Amy March...I think when you have a bratty little sister of your very own, it's hard to get behind Amy

  11. I reversed my list this week too and also chose Umbridge! I was very close to including Chaol as well, though I go back and forth on his character a lot, so in the end chose not to!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/04/03/top-ten-tuesday-153/

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has mixed feelings about Chaol! I'll check out your post now.

  12. Haha Umbridge, definitely! Yeah, I did feel Amy was quite whiny but then again, she was just a child. I hated her so much when she burnt Jo's works >.< It was a horrifying scene!

    Cam @ Camillea Reads

    1. I can definitely forgive her for some things because she was young, but burning the manuscript was just too nasty for me to forgive.

  13. Definitely agree with Umbridge. I hated her so much, she`s the reason I can`t rate the fifth book more than 4 stars:))

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. In some ways the fifth book is my favourite, but Umbridge is so horrible that I hesitate to re-read it.

  14. I loved that I am Mordred books. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Nancy Springer is putting out a new book this year called The Oddling Prince which I think sounds amazing - you might want to check it out.

  15. I haaaated Jack Favell with a passion! But wow, Umbridge was the absolute worst. The way she basically occupied Hogwarts and picked on the weaker people first - liked prof. Trelawney was horrifying. She was such a sadist jesus. Great list!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. When I listened to Rebecca on audiobook, Favell was even more awful (believe it or not)! And I was really close to putting the Carrows on the list with Umbridge even though we don't really have too much experience with them.

  16. Oh but Umbridge is forever going to find herself on such lists lol. I'm not familiar with anyone else here though, except Amy March whom I didn't quiiite mind.
