Tuesday, June 22, 2021

TMST: Favourite Form of Media

 Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the lovely Rainy Day Ramblings, and currently assisted by a team of bloggers, Roberta @ Offbeat YA, Karen @ For What It's Worth, Berls @ Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, Jen @ That's What I'm Talking About, and Linda @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell.

This week's topic: What’s your favourite form of media (apart from literature, that is)?

Ouch, what a question! (It's fantastic, but also a bit painful to choose). If you asked my best friend what my answer would be, she would most likely tell you it's music. However, even though I am a big musical theatre nerd, and am constantly singing...and don't even get me started on how large my music collection is (in both physical and digital forms)...my answer is film.

Likely not too much of a surprise to any regular readers of Clockwork Bibliotheca, but I am absolutely and completely in love with movies. Based on my current lifestyle, I unfortunately don't get a chance to watch these as often as I would like, but they still feature heavily in my life.

If I get the chance to be even more specific, mini-series are my top favourite form. Where some movies can suffer from needing to cut content to keep within runtime limits, mini-series get the chance to tell a detailed story that is allowed the freedom to go just a bit further than your standard film can. Now, although some may argue that these are closer to television because they are split into episodes, I personally feel that they are more akin to movies based on their overall feel as well as storytelling and plot structure. (However if we want to argue that these are shows, that is fine - I still overall prefer movies to television in the long run, haha).

But I digress.

When in need of comfort after a stressful time, movies are a form of healing for me. No, I don't go and watch something new usually, but I pick up an old favourite, and can be happily transported into that world. Sometimes I fast forward through bits I don't love as much, or have them on in the background while I do other things (and tune in to my favourite moments), and other times I watch the whole thing right through, fully immersed. And on those days where I just can't devote the time? I watch clips on YouTube that I love to bring me those happy feelings.

Movies are also a way I have always been able to connect to my best friend. We have always shared this love together and are always happy to sit down and enjoy one together - sometimes chatting through most of it, and other times watching intently the entire time.

And yes, my intense love of music means I absolutely pay attention to the soundtrack.

So for me, it's definitely movies.


What's your favourite form of media, asides from literature? Do you think that mini-series classify more as television or as movies?


  1. As I've said in the comments on other blogs today - I go through phases between music, reading and TV/movies. Right now I'm in a tv phase.
    I do prefer limited run series. They can delve in more but don't go on forever.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I get that! I do flip back and forth a bit too - depends on how much focus I have, and that sort of thing

  2. A fellow musical theatre fan! I can't wait until we're able to go see theatre again. I know a lot of actors have been struggling.

    1. Yes! I grew up with them, and adore them :)
      I know, any of those fields that rely heavily on people physically being present are so hard right now

  3. I'm not a fan of movies, but I love TV series. It's always been this way and I don't know why LOL. Maybe it's just because a series lets you connect with the characters in the long run, or because I love a story that goes on and on, regardless of what the different episodes bring on the table.

    Anyhow - I love that you turn to familiar mini-series/movies when you need to de-stress. I absolutely get what you're saying, even if I do it with a slightly different media.

    I'm a singer too haha.

    1. I definitely think there are merits to both - it just depends on what kind of feeling and attachment you are looking for!
      It's funny - I did that just last night, and watched a movie I loved but hadn't seen for a while. I kept the parts I didn't love as much on when I was cooking dinner, and then got to relax with my favourite moments while eating.
