Wednesday, July 4, 2018

TMST: Vacation Reading

This week's question from Rainy Day Ramblings is "Vacation Reading: What books would you pack for your vacation?" but instead of necessarily listing a bunch of specific books, I'm going to talk about the kinds of books I like to read over the summer.

For some reason, I always think Jane Austen is the perfect author over the warmer months. I like to curl up on the couch and pour through these. Maybe it's the romance, maybe it's the revisiting of old favourites, or maybe it's just about having the time and the focus to get into them, but I tend to crave these books in the summer.

I also love reading anything that's long, or takes a bit more effort to get through, like classics. I'm more likely to pick up Jane Eyre or War and Peace over the summer. Not only am I happier (and can therefore focus better without being stressed), but I also have more time on my hands...sort of. I tend to have more time to myself without being bothered by various people, and am usually out of school (or have a lighter course load), but I do end up working a lot more. For some reason, this combination means that when I am free, I read for hours on end. I don't tend to pick a lot of things that are too dark and depressing, but I am fine with reading something that is rather serious in nature.

Oops! I forgot to post this on Tuesday!


  1. War and Peace? Ugh... not my favorite. I am glad that you can read the classics and relax. I did read them once upon a summer when I was younger. Thanks for being a part of TMST.

    1. I haven't read it yet, but when I saw the most recent mini-series, I really enjoyed the storyline. Concerned all of the Russian names will get me confused though!
